Buying fish is one of those things that makes me feel iffy. Okay, really buying meat makes me iffy. I just always get afraid that it won’t be the right quality and whats not. The trick to buying meat for me is to only buy from places that I trust. A big part of trust is not just freshness but taste as well. For this Orange Dill Poached Salmon, I took some time to stare at fish.

A funny thing happened when I was at the grocery store I was looking at the packaged fish options when I noticed that there two kinds of salmon. Generally, I buy bone-in salmon when I can find it because I believe the bone adds flavor. Plus, bone-in is usually a few dollars cheaper per pound. Now, the two kinds of salmon were both bone-in with skin on. The only difference was in the name. The “whole” salmon was really just big chunks of fish. The other bone-in salmon was tagged “steak”. The “steak” salmon price was 3 dollars higher per pound. So I bought the cut-up whole salmon, instead.
I am someone who shops at quite a few stores. Grocery stores are one of my happy places so I love finding a new place to discover. The thing I have learned from venturing

When I bought this salmon, I knew I wanted to use it for meal-prep. Typically, if I am serving salmon immediately, I would grill and then plate it. But for meal-prep, I usually want to bake or poach and then flake the fish. Flaking the fish allows it to reheat better when I add it to salads or bowls or soups. Poaching the salmon in a broth of orange and dill was an easy decision. I had a few oranges that were drying out and excess dill on hand. Orange dill poached salmon sounds pretty fancy, but the truth is that it is so easy to make.
The recipe for Orange Dill Poached Salmon is below.

Orange Dill Poached Salmon
- 2 Pounds Salmon Fillet
- 4 Oranged Chopped
- 4 Whole Fronds Dill
- 2 tbsp Salt
- Add about 6 cups of water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Add in the salt, orange, and dill. Let it simmer for 5 minutes
- Turn down the heat on the water. Gently slide in the salmon fillet. Let it cook for 8-10 minutes. The should be no movement in the water.
- Once time is up, remove the fillet from the broth and serve. If using for meal-prep, let the fish cool down before storing in a tightly closed container. Eat within 2-3 days.