In this episode of how I survived the summer heat, I will be discussing the cherry rhubarb jam yogurt popsicles. Alright, let me be serious for a moment here.
Continue Reading “Cherry Rhubarb Yogurt Popsicles”Cherry Rhubarb Yogurt Popsicles
Thai Basil Fried Rice
My brain works in two ways when it comes to Youtube channels; I am either obsessed or I am bored. There is no middle ground for me. The first time I saw Marion’s Kitchen on Youtube, the obsession kicked in. I knew I was going to make some of her recipes. I finally followed through and made this Thai Basil Fried Rice.
Continue Reading “Thai Basil Fried Rice”Ultimate Tomato Salad
I know Labor Day is still almost three weeks away but I feel like summer is slipping away already. Maybe it is because my real life is knocking on the door. My nursing school uniform arrived the other day. While I am excited to get going on the nursing phase of my life, I am still enjoying summer meals like a simple tomato salad.
Continue Reading “Ultimate Tomato Salad”Miso Lime Butter
Miso is one of those ingredients that I was slow to adopt. I just never felt like I knew what to do with it. Now, I am so on board with miso that I always have it in my fridge for days like these. You know…days when I want to make miso lime butter.
Continue Reading “Miso Lime Butter”Tiny Tomatoes
July was miserable. There is no other way to put it. It was hot. It was humid. And it was mostly intolerable.
The only thing that made it all better was the glut of fruits and vegetables that was available at the markets. From the deep red colors of the ripe strawberries to the orange flush on peaches, it was all so gorgeous. Really, it was all I could eat. I found myself reaching for fruits to cool me down because I got tired of sipping water.
Continue Reading “Tiny Tomatoes”Roasted Strawberry Cream Cheese
A few years ago when I worked in retail, I developed a taste for a bagel and cream cheese. I have Bruegger’s to thank because it was on my path to work. Whenever I had an early morning opening shift, I would stop by to get a bagel for breakfast. The sesame bagel, toasted and slathered with cream cheese, was my go-to order. The roasted strawberry cream cheese was born of that memory.
Continue Reading “Roasted Strawberry Cream Cheese”Cherry Rhubarb Jam
This year was my first year cooking rhubarb, I believe. I have no memory of working with it. What a welcome into the rhubarb society it was. I made some cordial with rhubarb and a couple of jams. Cherry and rhubarb jam was the first one I made.
Continue Reading “Cherry Rhubarb Jam”Back To School

Just as I am getting into the groove of summer, I am reminded by all the paperwork I have to sign that the fall semester is around the corner. It is my first clinical semester. Everything I have heard tells me that this one of the hardest semesters in nursing school. I have been told that the difficulty comes from having to adapt to a new learning style. I won’t lie and told you I haven’t had my moment of anxiety. I have had plenty of anxiety. Beyond the moments when I question my ability to survive the first semester, I am preparing myself for what is coming. (read more)
Strawberry and Rhubarb Cordial
Believe it or not, this strawberry and rhubarb cordial almost never happened. The stories about rhubarb seem to come from nowhere. Like it does every year, one moment it is the end of winter and the moment, rhubarb was everywhere. As always, I seem to never grab it when I saw it until I didn’t see any rhubarb anymore. Then one day, just like that, I saw some rhubarb at the grocery store and remembered to but it.
Continue Reading “Strawberry and Rhubarb Cordial”Hokkaido Milk Bread
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping with Bee, the mother of my godson. And she said she had to buy Nigerian bread. So, even though we had nothing to buy at the African food store, two adult women and an almost two-year-old toddler drove to there. After so much effort, the bread was out of stock. Maybe we should have spent the time making Hokkaido milk bread instead.
Continue Reading “Hokkaido Milk Bread”