One mission I have accepted in life is to preach the gospel of good cocktails. Not drinking alcohol should never be the reason why anyone is stuck drinking bland overly sugary drinks. There are more possibilities when you are willing to do the work. This Blackberry Jalapeno Smash definitely is a good reward for hardwork.
Continue Reading “Blackberry Jalapeno Smash”Craving Water

For a while there I was without a water bottle. I had used the same glass bottle for a few years and not the top was faulty. I went from always having a bottle of water handy to constantly being thirsty. In my quest to find what will quench my thirst this winter, I made Blackberry Basil water
This winter, as I have stared focusing more on what I put in my body, water has become a priority. I replaced that faulty bottle with a slick black silicon bottle. It was cheap and beautiful so it felt right in the moment.

The thing though is that no matter how beautiful the bottle, I still feel like I am not drinking enough winter. Sometimes I catch myself just before I go to bed at night feeling parched and thirsty. I get out of bed for that one long gulp of water to see me through hibernation.
I think I need to become more deliberate about my hydration. The other day I made this flavored water. As you might know from the way I talk about food, I love to smell thing on their way to my mouth. This blackberry basil water is no different. The color is beautiful and the smell is divine. I was skeptical using blackberry in the middle of winter. But, I found that punnet that was shipped from Mexico so my conscience was assuaged enough to buy it.
Anyway, consider this a PSA for you to drink more water. Don’t let yourself be parched and wrinkled from dehydration.