
Bluefish in Caramel Sauce

Bluefish In Caramel Sauce

Food is my love language. There are many things about me that I have yet to figure out. But my love language I know for sure. Food allows me to express my love for others. For me, love is the thing that makes me want to cook and feed others. The more extravagant the meal, the deeper my feelings. Making this Vietnamese-style Bluefish in Caramel sauce was an expression of love.

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A pair of orange dill poached salmon on a plate with slices of orange and bits of dill

The Money at ‘Steak’

Buying fish is one of those things that makes me feel iffy. Okay, really buying meat makes me iffy. I just always get afraid that it won’t be the right quality and whats not. The trick to buying meat for me is to only buy from places that I trust. A big part of trust is not just freshness but taste as well. For this Orange Dill Poached Salmon, I took some time to stare at fish.
